Which types of wallets are supported?

Currently Metamak, Coinbase and Walletconnect are supported for users with an existing wallet. Alternatively, users can create a wallet with their email address through Magic. In any case, we only support non-custodial solutions.

Can I export my private key from a wallet created on Ondefy?

Of course! Wallets on Ondefy are created through Magic, which enables you to export your private key at any time. You can retrieve it here -> https://reveal.magic.link/ondefy

Can I deposit FIAT money (USD, EUR, CHF) to Ondefy?

You cannot deposit and keep fiat at Ondefy but you can buy cryptocurrencies with FIAT through our supperapp or our widget.

Which networks are supported?

Currently, we support 10 networks on our superapp, and 3 networks on our widget. Only EVM networks are supported at the moment. More details can be found here.

What are the fees for swapping?

Ondefy takes zero fees on transactions at the moment. However, on-chain gas fees are applicable according to each network.

What are the fees for buying tokens on Ondefy Widget?

Ondefy charges a fix fee of 1 USDC per order on Polygon network, which includes gas fees.

We charge a little over the necessary gas fees per order on Ethereum and Arbitrum.

Last updated